Pilgrimage walk-Osimo Loreto 2011 Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011 14.00
appointment at Osimo, the parking lot of the square of San Carlo (via Montefanese in front of the church San Carlo, from Old Town: Macerata direction) arrangement of the storage and classification of the pilgrims. Please be punctual.
hours starting at 15.00 feet in Osimo veneration of the body of St. Joseph of Cupertino, stop at the shrine of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows Campocavallo; Castelfidardo arrival, baggage delivery, accommodation in the hotel rooms, dinner and overnight.
Sunday, May 22, 2011 S.
7.45 Mass. 9:00 am breakfast, accommodation luggage. 9.45 am departure, stop at the shrine of Crocette Castelfidardo; fly to Loreto and lunch. 14.30 hours in prayer and procession to the basilica of Santa Casa Loreto.ore 15.30 departure of buses to bring pilgrims to Osimo. 16.00 hours and arrive in Osimo end of the pilgrimage. How to reach
For those traveling on the A 14: exit at South Ancona-Osimo.
For those traveling by train, get off at the railway station of Osimo. In this case, communicate the arrival time to the organization, which will take the pilgrims to come to the station. For the return journey we invite you to take the train to Loreto.
Mode the pilgrimage
The pilgrims walk the entire route of the pilgrimage (22 km), leaving the car on Saturday afternoon at the parking lot of the San Carlo in Osimo. On Sunday afternoon a bus from Loreto pilgrims to bring back cars.
Before the pilgrimage, the personal luggage will be loaded into a van that will transport you directly to Castelfidardo, in the place of accommodation. Along the way pilgrims in difficulty can use the service of some buses.
Along the way the priests provide spiritual assistance (recitation of the Rosary, songs, meditations, confessions). It is recommended not to use mobile phones while driving.
Meals Dinner Saturday evening at a restaurant service.
Breakfast on Sunday morning at the hotel where the pilgrims sleep.
Lunch Sunday lunch at the entrance to Loreto. Each pilgrim must get to the pilgrimage with the necessary (food, drinks, cutlery, etc..), The organization provides fresh bread and water. We also recommend energy drinks and food for the march and on breaks. Equipment and clothing
Pilgrims must bring: - a bag with personal items for bed: You should put a label with your name on the luggage for easy sorting - with a bag of food and drinks a picnic on Sunday.
You should bring a water bottle and a backpack for the walk, containing the necessary in case of rain, personal effects, the energy, etc..
We recommend walking shoes and a hat for sun protection.
We encourage people to avoid the use of Bermuda, it is suggested to the ladies and young ladies to the use of skirts below the knees and a veil or head covering for prayer in churches and to assist the Mass.
The pilgrims stay in a hotel in Castelfidardo. There are rooms with two or three places, uniforms for women and men. Participants must then be adapted to other Dormin pilgrims. Obviously, the families use the same room. The berths are limited, so "first come, staying well."
For young people can be a cheaper accommodation in a hostel.
To maintain the spirit of the pilgrimage and not disturb the other participants, the pilgrims are invited to come in the hotel rooms by midnight.
For adults: 65 € (the price includes: support organizational expenses, hotel room, dinner on Saturday evening, breakfast on Sunday morning, meeting for lunch on Sundays).
For young people who sleep at the hostel: 45 € (including: contribution to the organizational costs, place lettto hostel, dinner on Saturday night, breakfast on Sunday morning, the room for lunch on Sundays).
For children up to 14 years: 50 €.
who had economic difficulties (students, families, etc..) Waives the pilgrimage: the organization will facilitate the registration
If you are unable to attend may send a bid to contribute to organizational expenses and to facilitate ' inclusion of those most in need. Pour
registration fees and contributions to the postal account No. 51 17 99 27, payable to: Mater Boni Ass Consilii Onlus - Casa San Pio X specifying
For the pilgrimage to Loreto (Please send by mail or fax a copy of the payment).
Entries must be accomplished solely by the House of St. Pius X Saturday, May 14, 2011
Casa San Pio X Via Sarzana
No 86-47822 San Martino dei Mulini (RN)
Tel / Fax: 0541.75.89.61 E-mail: info@casasanpiox.it
http://www.sodalitium.biz/index.php?pid=3 http://www.casasanpiox.it/news.asp?id=242